
Explore the world of forage crops, essential for livestock nutrition, biomass energy crops and sustainable farming. Our guide provides valuable insights into the cultivation of forage, covering everything from optimal growth conditions and strategic planting to efficient harvesting and storage techniques.

a reseeded grass field

Reseeding grassland: how and when to do it

Reseeding grassland is a fundamental aspect of farming, essential for productive pastures and sustaining livestock feed production. In this guide, I delve into the main considerations and best practices for this process, focusing on traditional methods and optimal timing. The traditional way to reseed grassland in the UK Preparation and Assessment: Before beginning the reseeding […]

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rushes decomposing after spraying with MCPA on a grass field

How Long Do Rushes Take To Decompose?

Introduction Rushes, those grass-like plants often found near water bodies, serve a dual role in the environment. They provide valuable habitat to wildlife and contribute positively to various ecosystems. However, on farmland, they may become a nuisance, reducing productivity and hindering agricultural processes. The challenge of managing rushes presents farmers with a complex task that

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bales of grass hay

What Is The Difference Between Hay And Straw?

When it comes to agriculture and animal husbandry, understanding the distinction between hay and straw is essential. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they refer to distinct materials with different properties and uses. In this article, we will explore the characteristics, purposes, and differences between hay and straw. Definition and Composition Hay is a

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a field of grass for hay which is overgrown and gone to seed

The Importance of Timely Grass Cutting for Hay and Silage Production

For farmers involved in hay and silage production, the timing of grass cutting plays a vital role in determining the quality and nutritional value of the final product. Understanding the appropriate stage at which to cut the grass is crucial for maximizing yield and preserving the forage’s nutritional content. This article aims to guide farmers

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Mc Hale F550 and New Holland T6090 tractor baling in a field

Horsepower Requirements for a Round Baler: McHale F550 case study

Matching a tractor to the horsepower requirements for a round baler is crucial for optimal performance and efficiency. In this article, we will explore the McHale F550 round baler and delve into the horsepower requirements specific to this model. By understanding the significance of horsepower and its relationship to crop type and baler settings, you

Horsepower Requirements for a Round Baler: McHale F550 case study Read More »

a field of grass getting ready to make hay

How To Make High Quality Hay: 10 steps to success

Producing high-quality hay is essential for ensuring nutritious and palatable forage for livestock. To achieve this, several key factors and steps must be considered throughout the hay production process. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to make high-quality hay, covering factors that determine hay quality and the steps you should follow to optimize

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buttercups growing in a field of grass

Eliminating Buttercups from Your Grassland: how to identify and remove for better forage crops

Buttercups (Ranunculus spp.) are bright yellow flowering plants that can quickly invade grasslands, reducing the quality and quantity of forage available for livestock. Removing buttercups is essential for promoting healthy grass growth and maintaining productive pastures. In this article, we’ll explore the best farming practices to control and eliminate buttercups from grassland. Identifying Buttercups in

Eliminating Buttercups from Your Grassland: how to identify and remove for better forage crops Read More »

a lot of docks growing in a field of grass

At What Stage of Growth Should I Spray Docks in Grassland? A Comprehensive Guide for Farmers

Docks (Rumex spp.) are a common and persistent weed problem in grasslands, posing a threat to agricultural productivity and overall pasture quality. Knowing the right stage to spray docks is crucial in effectively controlling their growth and preventing them from taking over your grassland. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the optimal stage of

At What Stage of Growth Should I Spray Docks in Grassland? A Comprehensive Guide for Farmers Read More »

rushes in grassland sprayed with MCPA

Effective Strategies for Removing Rushes from Grassland

Rushes, often referred to as “nature’s warning sign,” can be a significant problem for grassland managers and landowners. These invasive plants thrive in wet, poorly drained soils, and their presence can reduce the productivity and quality of grasslands. Controlling rush infestations is essential for maintaining healthy grassland ecosystems, providing better forage for livestock, and promoting

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