
In the crops section, you will find articles which have helpful information about growing crops. The crops we grow are; potatoes, swedes, wheat, oats, barley and grass for silage and hay.

a big pile of swedes sitting in a field

What Are The Differences Between Turnips and Swedes: two great root crops!

There is a lot of confusion in mainstream circles over the difference between swedes and turnips. Swedes and turnips are just different species in the brassica family. So naturally, they have similar growth patterns and shapes that make these two root crops easily confused. So let’s find out, what are the differences between turnips and […]

What Are The Differences Between Turnips and Swedes: two great root crops! Read More »

eelworm damage on a potato

Eelworm In Potatoes: what is it and how do I remove or prevent it?

Eelworm is a parasitic nematode that lives in the soil and feeds on plant roots. Its host plants are nightshades and they particularly like potatoes and tomatoes. If you’re growing potatoes, it is extremely important to educate yourself on eelworms. If you like to grow a lot of potatoes and tomatoes, you’ll definitely want to

Eelworm In Potatoes: what is it and how do I remove or prevent it? Read More »

level soil behind potato drills for spreading

When To Harvest Potatoes: dates and descriptions

Potatoes are typically categorized into three main categories according to their days to maturity. They are classed as: early, mid-season, and maincrop potatoes. They may also be referred to as earlies, second earlies, and long-season or maincrop potatoes. While early and mid-season potatoes are typically harvested and eaten as new potatoes, late-season or maincrop potatoes

When To Harvest Potatoes: dates and descriptions Read More »