Growing – Potatoes

Learn potato growing techniques: soil care, watering, pest control. Elevate your yields with expert insights. Cultivate your potato harvest with confidence.

massey ferguson 35x and grubber

Weeding and Ridging Potato Drills with a Tractor: using a Massey Ferguson 35x, with a Ferguson grubber and drill plough

Hello, fellow potato growers! Today, we’re diving into the world of mechanized weeding and ridging. If you’ve got a larger area of potatoes, using a tractor and specialized equipment can make the weeding and ridging process more efficient and less labor-intensive. In this article, we’ll explore how to use a Massey Ferguson 35x tractor, a […]

Weeding and Ridging Potato Drills with a Tractor: using a Massey Ferguson 35x, with a Ferguson grubber and drill plough Read More »

seed potatoes with buds in a basket ready to plant into the soil

How to Grow Organic Potatoes: A Beginner’s Guide to Cultivating Chemical-Free Spuds

Organic gardening is becoming increasingly popular as people become more conscious of the food they consume. One of the most popular vegetables to grow organically are potatoes. Potatoes are relatively easy to grow, and they are a staple in many households. Growing organic potatoes is not only good for the environment, but also good for

How to Grow Organic Potatoes: A Beginner’s Guide to Cultivating Chemical-Free Spuds Read More »

potato plants starting to grow

How Much Magnesium Do Potato Plants Need To Grow Optimally?

Magnesium is an essential nutrient for plant growth and development, and potatoes require a sufficient amount of magnesium to grow optimally. The amount of magnesium required by a potato plant can vary depending on factors such as soil type, growing conditions, and potato variety. How much magnesium do potatoes need? The amount of magnesium you

How Much Magnesium Do Potato Plants Need To Grow Optimally? Read More »

potatoes growing in compost

Can I Grow Potatoes In Straight Compost: + how to increase its P and K

You may have read about growing potatoes in compost and wondered if it was really a good idea. Technically, potatoes can be grown in compost alone, but it isn’t always the best choice. Amending your soil with compost or making a potting mix with compost and soilless mix for containers may be a better choice.

Can I Grow Potatoes In Straight Compost: + how to increase its P and K Read More »

an image of potato tops cut off from the potato drills in a field

Can You Cut The Tops Off Potato Plants? big bulk problems

Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum) produce leafy tops that grow to 40 inches tall, explains the International Potato Center. The tops perform photosynthesis and manufacture energy that is stored as starch in the underground tubers. Without the tops, your potato plants cannot perform photosynthesis, and tubers will not grow. However, there are times when the tops may

Can You Cut The Tops Off Potato Plants? big bulk problems Read More »

an image of a potato cut in half showing the brown cavity of hollow heart inside

Can Potatoes Grow Too Big: why massive potatoes (tubers) should be avoided

Potatoes come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from tiny fingerlings to massive baking potatoes. The size of the mature potato tubers depends primarily on the type of potato you are growing, but other factors also affect their size. While many gardeners face the challenge of potato tubers that grow smaller than expected, sometimes

Can Potatoes Grow Too Big: why massive potatoes (tubers) should be avoided Read More »