Harvesting – Potatoes

Discover potato harvesting techniques for optimal yield and quality. From timing to storage, master the art of harvesting for a successful season.

digging potatoes with a garden fork

Digging Potatoes with a Garden Fork: A Step-by-Step Guide

Digging potatoes is a rewarding task for any gardener. The thrill of unearthing those hidden treasures beneath the soil is a delight to both experienced and novice potato growers alike. One effective and traditional method of harvesting potatoes is using a garden fork. This article will guide you through the process of digging potatoes with […]

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level soil behind potato drills for spreading

When To Harvest Potatoes: dates and descriptions

Potatoes are typically categorized into three main categories according to their days to maturity. They are classed as: early, mid-season, and maincrop potatoes. They may also be referred to as earlies, second earlies, and long-season or maincrop potatoes. While early and mid-season potatoes are typically harvested and eaten as new potatoes, late-season or maincrop potatoes

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