Maris Piper is a versatile potato variety that is excellent for making chips and roast potatoes. They are the most widely grown potato variety in the UK – accounting for 16% of the total area grown in 2014. They are golden-skinned, cream-fleshed maincrop potato which has an excellent taste and is capable of high yields. They are highly versatile- they can be boiled with skins on, mashed, chipped, roasted, steamed, and baked.
Maris Piper potatoes were first introduced in 1966 by the plant breeder H. W. Howard. The variety continued to be tested over the next 10 years so full adoption was in the early 1980s. They were specifically bred to be resistant to potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis) which is a major pest in potato production in the UK. Although the variety is resistant to this strain it is susceptible to another strain of potato cyst nematode (Globodera pallida).
Yield and dry matter
Capable of high yields (50-60t/ha) and will produce potatoes with a high dry matter, producing many potatoes on each plant.
Culinary aspects
The potato has a beautiful, mild flavour with a fluffy texture and creamy taste. They are a good potato variety to boil, steam and bake, but their real glory is for making chips and roast potatoes.
Potato characteristics
Large, oval- slightly flat, uniform shaped potatoes with a golden skin that is medium smooth, with cream flesh. When sprouting the potato will show a slightly red/violet coloured sprout base. They have few eyes which are very shallow set – this makes it excellent for washing and peeling.

Plant characteristics
Maris Piper will grow into a tall plant with medium thickness stems and will bloom in a red/ violet flower. The plant will produce a lot of potato berries. They are a maincrop maturity potato.

Resistance to diseases
Resistant to Potato Cyst Nematode (Globodera rostochiensis Ro1)
Medium resistance to blackleg, late blight on foliage and tubers skin spot and silver scurf
Low resistance to potato virus Y, potato cyst nematode (Globodera pallida) powdery scab and common scab. Correct timing of planting and exact levels of irrigation is a must if a good skin finish is needed.
Resistance to pests
Low resistance to slugs.
Resistance to damage
Higher resistance to bruising and splitting
Due to their high dry matter, Maris Piper will store well for a long time.
Maris Piper potatoes are a highly versatile, high-yielding delicious potato variety. The potatoes are of even size and high in number per plant. The smoothness of the shape makes it easy to wash, peel and prepare. It has medium resistance to many pests and diseases with the exception of Potato Cyst Nematode (Globodera pallida) common scab and slugs. It is important the crop is watered as the potatoes begin to form as this will prevent issues with common scab. Maris Piper potatoes are an excellent all-rounder, they make excellent mash, chips, and roast potatoes. They are a favourite of both commercial and home growers.
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