Rooster is the most popular potato in Ireland – In 2004 It accounted for 40% of the total potato crop grown. They are dull red-skinned, yellow-fleshed maincrop potatoes that have excellent taste and high yields. They are highly versatile- they can be boiled with skins on, mashed, chipped, roasted, steamed, and baked with very good results. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the origin and characteristics of this very popular potato variety.
Rooster potatoes were bred at the Irish research center Teagasc Oak Park in Carlow, Ireland by Harry Kehoe in 1991 in conjunction with Irish Potato Marketing Ltd
Yield and dry matter
Capable of high yields (40-50t/ha) and will produce potatoes with a low to medium dry matter.
Culinary aspects
The potato has a beautiful earthy flavour with a fluffy texture and creamy taste.
Potato characteristics
Large, oval- slightly round, uniform-shaped potatoes with a deep dull red skin that is medium smooth. When sprouting the potato will show a slightly violet-colored sprout base. They have few eyes which are shallow set – this makes it excellent for peeling. Rooster potatoes have yellow flesh.

Plant characteristics
Rooster has a medium/ tall height plant with thick stems that blooms in a Red/ violet flower. The plant will produce few potato berries. They are a maincrop maturity potato.
Resistance to diseases
Medium/ high resistance to common scab and powdery scab, blackleg, Potato Leafroll Virus, and late blight on tubers.
Medium resistance to late blight on foliage,
Resistance to pests
Low resistance to Potato Cyst Nematode (Globodera pallida and Globodera rostochiensis)
Resistance to damage
Higher resistance to bruising and splitting
Rooster potatoes will store well for a long time.
Rooster potatoes are a highly versatile, high-yielding delicious potato variety which does not require excessive amounts of soil moisture or fertilizer to grow well. The potatoes are of even size and high in number per plant. The smoothness of shape makes it easy to wash, peel and prepare. It has quite good resistance to many pests and diseases with the exception of potato cyst nematode. Because Rooster potatoes give excellent results and can be prepared in many ways, this makes it the best general-purpose potato in Ireland today.
Further reading;